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Sort, Stack, Organize: How Mendeleev Created the Periodic Table

Sort, Stack, Organize: How Mendeleev Created the Periodic Table

The UN made 2019 the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. But why do we celebrate this colorful chart? Let's take a look at its amazing discovery and history.
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Uncle Goose Ocean Blocks

October and Octopus: what's the connection?

Octo means eight in Latin. And an octopus has eight legs. But October is the tenth month. What gives? Read on…
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Uncle Goose Dinosaur Blocks

Toys for Boys, Toys for Girls: Why are these two separate things?

Toys don't have to be aggressively masculine. Nor do they have to be exclusively feminine. They do, however, need to inspire fun.
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Uncle Goose Classic ABC Blocks

Haptics: Are tactile interfaces the future?

Haptics: the perception of the environment through the sense of touch.
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Uncle Goose Discontinued Toys

The Top 10 Discontinued Toys at Uncle Goose

Failure is part of the creative process. Making mistakes is how we all learn.

We learned our lesson. We aren’t making these toys anymore.

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Uncle Goose Women Who Dared Blocks

"Sitting still is harder than any kind of work." - Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley said “Sitting still is harder than any kind of work.”
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Uncle Goose Alphabet Blocks

Working Memory + Cognitive Load: Why F isn't on the Fox Block

Your Uncle Goose often gets asked why the first letter of the animal’s name isn’t on the same alphabet block. Short Answer: working memory, cognitive load, and instructional design. For a longer answer, keep reading!
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Uncle Goose Constellation Blocks

Why we call them "The Dog Days" of Summer...this is Sirius.

Find out why we call the hottest days "The Dog Days" of Summer.
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Uncle Goose Made in the USA

Made in the USA vs. Made in America: what's the difference?

What's the difference between "Made in the USA" and "Made in America"?
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