Introducing our Zodiac Block Set
You asked for it, you got it. Here it is: all twelve constellations of the zodiac plus a purple horoscope wheel puzzle. It's all contained in our mystical12-piece Uncle Goose Zodiac Blocks.
You’ll see the name, an icon, and constellation for each zodiac sign on each block. You’ll also find information about dates, elements, planets, and houses.
We also created a puzzle of a horoscope wheel. You can put the blocks together to display the deep purple puzzle in its basswood case.
But why a Zodiac set? How did we come to create it? Here’s a bit of our creative process:
When we released our first constellation set in 2017, Uncle Goose Constellation Blocks, some customers wanted to know why some of their favorite zodiac constellations weren't included in this 16 piece block set.
Answer: because this set only has 16 pieces. It includes constellations from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. But 16 pieces limited what we could and couldn't include. Not all of the zodiac constellations made the cut.
So a few years later, we released our 32 piece set, Uncle Goose Constellation Blocks with Basswood Tray. This set includes all 12 constellations of the zodiac, along with 20 other constellations. It also includes a basswood tray with a star map.
But wouldn’t you know it? After that, we received even more requests! This time, customers wondered when we’d release a constellation set that only includes the zodiac constellations.
We seldom bow to peer pressure, but dang it. We liked the idea. It sounded like a lot of fun.
Only, we decided not to make it strictly a constellation set. Instead, we decided to go full-on with mysticism. We created a rich purple zodiac set that goes way beyond the stars and constellations.
Learning about the zodiac is learning about art and history. You can discover the stories behind each zodiac sign. Use the blocks to enjoy and illustrate your thoughts and discussions.

Be sure to look for Uncle Goose Zodiac Blocks in local shops & stores. You can also buy Zodiac Blocks here on our site. Just in time for the holiday shopping season…enjoy!